29 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development
Published on April 12, 2022 – Last Updated on October 18, 2022
Are you 29 weeks pregnant and feeling anxious about what to expect? You’re not alone! Many women feel like they need to know everything about pregnancy and childbirth to be prepared, but the truth is that every pregnancy is different. So instead of worrying about what might happen, focus on staying healthy and enjoying this particular time in your life. Here are some things to keep in mind during your 29th week of pregnancy.
What to expect during the 29th week of pregnancy
During the 29th week of pregnancy, you can expect to experience several changes in your body. You may find that you’re gaining weight more quickly now, and your belly is getting bigger every day. You may also notice an increase in discharge from your vagina. This is normal, and it’s just your body preparing for childbirth.
You should also start to feel your baby move around more this week. If you haven’t felt movement yet, don’t worry! Some women don’t feel their baby move until later in their pregnancy.
Also, be sure to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet. You’ll need all the energy you can get for the final weeks of your pregnancy!
To find out more about being 29 weeks pregnant you can use: the pregnancy week calculator or pregnancy stages by week.
How your baby is growing and developing
- Baby’s Development
- Gain weight
- Baby’s Size
- Baby’s Length
- baby Muscles
- Baby Structure
- Baby Shape
Baby’s Development – 29 weeks pregnant
By the 29th week of pregnancy, The baby continues to grow and develop rapidly. The bones are getting more rigid and robust, and the muscles are also evolving. The baby’s cord blood is also continuing to increase in volume. Now rapid brain development is in progress, and let’s discuss how your baby is developing this week!
Baby Weight Gain:
By the 29th week of pregnancy, the baby will weigh between 1.5 and 2 pounds.
Baby’s Size:
The baby is about 10 inches long from head to toe at this point in the pregnancy.
Baby’s Length:
The average baby at 29 weeks is around 10 inches long.
Baby muscles:
The baby’s muscles are getting stronger and more developed, which will help them to move around more after birth.
Baby Structure:
The baby’s organs continue to mature, and the fatty tissues are increasing. This will help the baby to regulate their own body temperature after birth.
Baby Shape:
At 29 weeks pregnant, the baby’s appearance is becoming more human-like. Facial features continue to develop, and the baby’s scalp hair is growing.
29 Weeks Fetus
Twenty-nine weeks into a pregnancy, the average fetus is about the size of an adult fist. They’re also big enough that they can begin to put pressure on a woman’s organs, which is why some pregnant women may experience shortness of breath or discomfort when lying down. The baby’s bones are also starting to harden, and their immune system continues to develop.
At this stage in their development, they can hear noises from inside and outside the womb. Additionally, 29-week-old fetuses are able to see the light and will often turn their head toward a source of light that shines on their mother’s belly. As the pregnancy progresses, the fetus will continue growing and developing, eventually becoming a fully-fledged baby.
Changes you may be experiencing in your body at 29 weeks pregnant
During 29 pregnancy weeks, you may experience different physical changes in your body.
Weight gain
Your weight gain may have slowed down, but you are still gaining weight. The average woman gains about 10 to 12 pounds during her pregnancy.
Skin is getting darker.
You may also notice that your skin is getting darker. This is called the linea nigra, and it’s a line that runs from your belly button to your pubic bone. The linea nigra is caused by the increased pigmentation in your skin during pregnancy.
Hair is growing faster.
You may also notice that your hair grows faster, and your nails are getting stronger. This is due to the increased levels of pregnancy hormones in your body.
Increase Beast Size:
Your breasts may continue to grow in size, and you may start to experience breast leakage. It is called colostrum. Colostrum is a thin, yellowish fluid that leaks from the nipples during the last few months of pregnancy. It’s the precursor to milk, and it contains essential nutrients for your baby.
Leg Cramps:
You may also experience leg cramps. These are caused by the increased pressure on your blood vessels and muscles. To avoid leg cramps, try to stay active and stretch your legs regularly.
Growing Uterus:
During this week of pregnancy, your uterus will continue to grow. It will now be about the size of a cantaloupe. This growth can cause some discomfort, such as back pain and bloat.
Varicose veins:
You may also notice the development of varicose veins. These are swollen blood vessels that often appear in the legs and vagina during pregnancy.
Pregnancy week 29 Symptoms
As you enter your 29th week of pregnancy, you may be noticing some new and exciting symptoms. For example, you may be feeling more movement from your baby as they grow and become more active in your womb. You may also notice that your skin is becoming more sensitive, and you may have some new stretch. So let’s discuss all that in detail:
Hemorrhoids are a common pregnancy symptom. They are caused by the high blood pressure on your blood vessels and rectum. Hemorrhoids can be painful and itchy. Try sitting in a warm bath or using over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream to ease the discomfort.
Fatigue is another common pregnancy symptom. As your body works harder to support your baby’s growth, you may find yourself feeling more tired than usual.
Heartburn is also common in pregnant women. This is caused by the increased pressure on your stomach and the relaxation of your esophageal sphincter. Heartburn can be painful and uncomfortable.
Braxton Hicks Contractions:
Braxton Hicks contractions are common in pregnant women. These are false labor pains caused by the tightening of your uterus. Braxton Hicks contractions are usually not painful and do not last very long. Read more on contractions: contraction app, contraction counter & how to track contractions.
Sleeping problems:
As your pregnancy progresses, you may find it harder to get a good night’s sleep. You may be experiencing sleeplessness due to the added bulk of your baby, acid reflux, or restless leg syndrome.
Swollen and bleeding gums:
Swollen and bleeding gums are common in pregnant women. This is caused by the increased hormones in your body and the increased blood flow (red blood cells) to your gums.
Headaches are also common in pregnant women. These can be caused by an increase in hormones, stress, or dehydration. To help relieve the pain, take ibuprofen or acetaminophen as directed and drink plenty of fluids.
Backache is another common symptom in pregnant women. This can be caused by the added weight of your baby, poor posture, or stress. To help relieve the pain, try using a heating pad, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques.
Bloating and constipation:
Bloating and constipation are common in pregnant women. It is caused by the increase in hormones and the pressure of the baby on your intestines. To help relieve the symptoms, drink plenty of fluids, eat high-fiber foods, and exercise regularly.
You can ease your 29 weeks pregnant symptoms by using: pregnancy affirmations, birth affirmations, or hypnobirthing affirmations.
Tips for staying healthy
Like most pregnant women, you’re probably trying to eat healthily and get plenty of exercise. Here are a few tips for staying healthy during your 29th week of pregnancy:
Healthy and balanced diet:
Make sure you eat a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Must have calcium intake in your diet to make your baby’s bones tuff & solid.
Avoid Caffeine:
Try to avoid caffeine, as it can be harmful to your baby.
Stay Hydrated:
Drink plenty of water and other fluids to stay hydrated.
Exercising Safely
Exercising during pregnancy is essential, but it’s necessary to do it safely. Here are a few tips for staying safe while you exercise:
- Always listen to your body and stop if you feel tired or sick.
- Avoid exercises that involve sudden changes in direction or jumping.
- Wear comfortable, supportive shoes.
- If you’re pregnant and have never exercised before, start slowly and gradually increasing your workouts’ intensity.
Wear comfortable, supportive shoes:
Shoes that fit well and are comfortable will help you stay safe while exercising. Same as consider for your clothes as well.
Avoid crossing your legs:
This can decrease blood flow to your uterus.
Take periodic breaks to rest:
Pregnancy is a time when your body needs plenty of rest. So take periodic breaks throughout the day to relax and recharge.
These are just a few tips for staying healthy during your 29th week of pregnancy. For more advice, talk to your doctor or midwife.
Tips For Partners:
If you’re a partner of someone pregnant, here are a few tips for helping them during their 29th week of pregnancy:
- Be supportive and understanding. Pregnancy can be difficult, and your partner will appreciate your support.
- Help with household tasks and errands. Pregnant women often have a lot of energy, but they can also get tired quickly. So help out with household tasks and chores to lighten their load.
- Make sure your partner gets plenty of rest. Pregnant women need plenty of rest, so make sure your partner takes breaks to relax and recharge throughout the day.
- Talk to your partner about their feelings and concerns. Pregnancy can be a stressful time, and your partner will appreciate being able to talk to you about their feelings and concerns.
These are just a few tips for helping your partner during their 29th week of pregnancy. Take them seriously and satisfy your partner during that time.
Doctor’s Visit:
At your 29-week checkup, your doctor will probably check your blood pressure and urine for protein. They’ll also measure your fundal height or the distance from the top of your uterus to your pubic bone. This helps them determine if you’re gaining weight at a healthy rate.
Your hospital or birthing center may also ask about any swelling you’re experiencing, whether you’ve been having any contractions, and how your baby is moving. They’ll also listen to your baby’s heartbeat and check the position of your placenta.
Is the baby fully formed at 29 weeks of pregnancy?
The baby is formed mainly by 29 weeks but won’t be completely finished until closer to the due date. Like the brain and nervous system, some things will continue to develop in the weeks after birth.
What position is the baby in at 29 weeks pregnant?
The baby’s position frequently changes in the womb, but by 29 weeks, most babies are in a head-down place. This is called cephalic presentation.
How many months at 29 weeks pregnant!
You are 7 months pregnant in this pregnancy week, and you are in the third trimester.
Other Pregnancy Weeks:
- 1 Week Pregnant
- 2 Weeks Pregnant
- 3 Weeks Pregnant
- 4 Weeks Pregnant
- 5 Weeks Pregnant
- 6 Weeks Pregnant
- 7 Weeks Pregnant
- 8 Weeks Pregnant
- 9 Weeks Pregnant
- 10 Weeks Pregnant
- 11 Weeks Pregnant
- 12 Weeks Pregnant
- 13 Weeks Pregnant
- 14 Weeks Pregnant
- 15 Weeks Pregnant
- 16 Weeks Pregnant
- 17 Weeks Pregnant
- 18 Weeks Pregnant
- 19 Weeks Pregnant
- 20 Weeks Pregnant
- 21 Weeks Pregnant
- 22 Weeks Pregnant
- 23 Weeks Pregnant
- 24 Weeks Pregnant
- 25 Weeks Pregnant
- 26 Weeks Pregnant
- 27 Weeks Pregnant
- 28 Weeks Pregnant
- 30 Weeks Pregnant
- 31 Weeks Pregnant
- 32 Weeks Pregnant
- 33 Weeks Pregnant
- 34 Weeks Pregnant
- 35 Weeks Pregnant
- 36 Weeks Pregnant
- 37 Weeks Pregnant
- 38 Weeks Pregnant
- 39 Weeks Pregnant
- 40 Weeks Pregnant
- Birth Plan
- Baby Due Date Calculator
- EDD Calculation
- how many weeks pregnant I am