Tiny Scanner App: How To Use Your Phone As A Portable Scanner

Tiny Scanner App: How To Use Your Phone As A Portable Scanner

Whether you’re a busy professional on the go, or a student constantly surrounded by mountains of paper, the Tiny Scanner app is a must-have tool for anyone who needs to scan documents on the fly. This app turns your iPhone into a portable scanner, allowing you to quickly and easily scan any document, anywhere. Here’s…

6 weeks pregnant: What to Expect about Baby’s Development

6 weeks pregnant: What to Expect about Baby’s Development

It’s been six weeks since you found out that you’re pregnant. You’ve probably started to experience some pregnancy symptoms and are getting used to the idea of being a mother. You are 6 weeks pregnant and not sure what to expect? You’re in the right place! This blog post will give you all the details…

5 Weeks Pregnant – Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

5 Weeks Pregnant – Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

When you are 5 weeks pregnant, it can be exciting and overwhelming for first-time mothers. You may start to feel some early pregnancy symptoms and wonder what changes are taking place in your body. While it’s normal to feel some worry about what’s to come, remember that you’re not alone—many women have gone through this…