39 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

39 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

If you are like most pregnant women, you are eagerly counting down the days until your baby is born. But even if you aren’t quite ready for labor and delivery, there’s no need to worry – according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, only about 5 percent of babies born Fweighon their due…

38 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

38 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

By 38 weeks pregnant, your baby is almost full-term! Most babies will be born during the next two weeks. Your baby’s lungs are mature, and they are ready to breathe on their own outside of the womb. The only thing left for your little one to do is grow slightly bigger. Your belly is big…

37 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

37 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

37 weeks pregnant! This is the home stretch for many moms preparing for labor and delivery. You can do a few things this week to prepare for the big day. For example, make sure you have everything packed in your hospital bag. If you’re not quite there yet, don’t worry – we’ll give you a…

36 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

36 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

Congratulations! You have made it to your 36th week of pregnancy. This is an exciting time, as you are getting close to meeting your little one. You should know a few things at 36 weeks pregnant as you are heading up to delivery. For example, what can you expect during labor? How will you know…

35 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

35 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

At 35 weeks pregnant, you are in the home stretch of your pregnancy! Most women will receive delivery between 37 and 41 weeks. This week is a great time to start preparing for labor and delivery. You should also monitor your baby’s movements and take care of yourself. This blog post can cover the symptoms…

Birth Plan: Preparation for Birth (FREE Printable Download)

Birth Plan: Preparation for Birth (FREE Printable Download)

Are you pregnant and planning to give birth soon? If so, you’ll want to download our free printable birth plan! This document will help you prepare for your baby’s birth, from deciding on your preferred mode of delivery to specifying what kind of pain relief you’d like. Plus, it can also serve as a checklist…

Baby Due Date Calculator: Find the Estimated Arrival Date

Baby Due Date Calculator: Find the Estimated Arrival Date

Are you pregnant and trying to figure out when your baby is going to arrive? Or maybe you’re planning a pregnancy and would like to know the approximate due date. Either way, using a baby due date calculator can help estimate the arrival date of your little one. This article explains how to use these…

How Many Weeks Pregnant Am I? Due Date Calculator on Last Menstrual Period

How Many Weeks Pregnant Am I? Due Date Calculator on Last Menstrual Period

If you’re like most moms-to-be, you probably want to know how far along you are in your pregnancy. And if you’re trying to calculate your due date, you’ll need to know the date of your last menstrual period. Luckily, there’s an easy way to do both – with the help of an online calculator. Just…

33 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

33 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

You’re 33 weeks pregnant! Your baby is now the size of butternut squash and is starting to put on weight. They are swallowing amniotic fluid and have started to produce urine. The lanugo, a delicate hair covering your baby’s body, is starting to disappear. Fetal movements are becoming more coordinated, and your baby may even…

32 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

32 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms & Baby’s Development

At 32 weeks pregnant, you are in the home stretch of your pregnancy! Many moms-to-be are eager to meet their little one, while others are still trying to enjoy the last few weeks of peace and quiet. Regardless of where you stand on the spectrum, you should know a few things about being 32 weeks…