10 Empowering Crystals For Pregnancy: Have a Calm Birth
Published on November 15, 2021 – Last Updated on December 5, 2022
The path to motherhood can be a challenging time for some. They may struggle with the boundaries of their body, mind, and soul. Some mothers-to-be may do good, while others may experience change happening in their lives during this time. Crystals are a perfect way to feel nurtured and loved when you need them most. Here are crystals for pregnancy that we will be discussing in this article:
- Rose Quartz
- Moonstone
- Amethyst
- Lepidolite
- Fluorite
- Carnelian
- Bloodstone
- Moldavite
- Angelite
- Unakite
Before we hop in to discuss all the pregnancy crystals, we would like to recommend checking out our hypnobirthing app post and downloading the Hypnobirthing TL for a calm and relaxed pregnancy.
You can also download our Contraction Timer TL, which is number #1 among the best contraction timer apps.
What Are Pregnancy Crystals and How Do They Work?
Crystals have been used for centuries to heal the body and mind. They’re called upon because they resonate with our energy, helping us clear blocked channels in a way that only another human can understand. In addition, the crystals work as guides on an inner journey from chakra to chakra, releasing emotional pain or blocking negative thoughts throughout your day along this process.
In addition, their healing properties, which include stimulating deep relaxation while grounding one’s energies during meditation sessions, protect electromagnetic fields associated with technology such as mobile phones and computers.
These crystals can be used to give you a sense of safety and hope during your pregnancy journey, helping you connect with the power within yourself for strength and support when times get tough.
Top 10 Best Crystals for Healthy Pregnancy and Labour
Pregnancy is an exciting time for any woman. You’re pregnant with hope, anticipation, and excitement all at once! However, it can also be daunting; so many unknowns will present themselves when you least expect them (which may or may not include impending labor). That’s where crystals come into the picture – they help bring order to what would otherwise seem like chaos in our lives by grounding us while protecting against negativity around pregnancy-related matters such as affirmations about baby names/ancestry etc., giving strength through surrendering control over certain aspects of this process.
Here are some crystals that you can use throughout your pregnancy journey to nurture yourself on the inside:
Rose quartz
Rose Quartz helps create an intimate bond between the parent and child. It is known for promoting forgiveness by opening one’s heart chakra while balancing emotions simultaneously. This quartz is a classic pregnancy crystal because it represents warmth, unconditional love, and nurturing.
It’s also known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, which can affect the well-being of both you and your baby during the latter stages of the gestation period by helping restore harmony in all aspects – emotionally through work on one’s heart chakra, physically through the increase in blood flow to the uterus, and spiritually by clearing blockages along one’s meridians. It also helps to bond with your baby.
- It’s a stone that can help the body, mind, and soul relax.
- It helps to forge an intimate bond with your baby.
- Feel loved and supported through pregnancy.
Moonstone has a lot of feminine energy and can help with fertility, balancing hormones, and pregnancy. It is another wonderful crystal for pregnancy because it helps connect us with our inner strength while increasing intuition about what will happen next during this journey.
This stone offers a sense of protection, especially when you are feeling down or uncertain. In addition, moonstone helps to enhance your ability to communicate with the baby. Plenty of moonstone jewelry to pick from will help increase the mother-to-be’s stamina and everything related to the sacral chakra. Moonstone is considered to have crystal healing powers.
- It can help balance hormones.
- It helps keep your pregnancy gentle and easy.
- Filled to the brim with feminine energy and deep intuition, Moonstone enhances fertility.
Carnelian is an all-purpose healing stone that can be used from conception to motherhood. It is another stone that benefits expectant moms because its energy is known to give strength and power during birth. It can also help you feel at ease during this time of change by promoting a sense of well-being and wholeness.
- Supports the reproductive system.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- It gives you the courage to take on anything.
- It makes you feel invincible.
Lepidolite is a tranquilizer that helps mothers-to-be feel more at peace. It is a stone for pregnancy that helps one prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically for the birthing process by calming nervousness associated with childbirth while releasing fear of giving birth through deep breathing exercises.
Benefits of using Lepidolite during pregnancy, labor and birth:
- It calms the mind and relieves stress.
- Promotes a sense of well-being.
- It helps you reach your full potential as a mother.
- It also keeps you from feeling overwhelmed by the changes in your life.
Fluorite is a stone that helps with absorbing nutrients and removing toxins. It can also be used as a great support system for pregnant women during the latter stages of their pregnancy to help them get through labor. In addition, this crystal is known for its ability to bring mental clarity while protecting one’s energy field during this time, which can come in handy when you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted!
This stone also helps release any fears that might be holding one back from giving birth by opening the heart chakra, allowing one to release any anger or resentment that might be present.
Willingness is also known for its ability to help a pregnant woman look forward to labor without feeling fearful of the unknown. In addition, this stone helps ease pain during childbirth by keeping an individual grounded while opening up their crown and third eye chakras simultaneously.
- It helps you stay calm during pregnancy.
- Calms your baby.
- You can finally enjoy being pregnant and not stress out about everything.
Amethyst is a calming crystal with protective properties. It is best for rest, and spiritual connection helps one to remain calm and balanced during pregnancy by promoting a sense of well-being.
This stone also can help expectant mothers tap into their intuition, which can come in handy when you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted! It’s known for its protective nature as it emits calming energy that will shield both mother and baby from outside negativity or low vibrations.
- Calms anxiety and stress.
- Promotes peace of mind.
- Promote inner peace.
- Promote a sense of calmness
Unakite is a grounding stone that can be helpful in pregnancy. This crystal helps one tap into their inner strength for heart-centered connections while opening up the heart chakra, allowing for a sense of wholeness and peace.
This stone is also known for its protective nature as it emits calming energy that will shield both mother and baby from outside negativity or low vibrations during pregnancy. It’s great to use when feeling overwhelmed or exhausted!
- A stone that can be your leader on this journey of continuous change.
- It is a must for expectant mothers.
Angelite is a blue and white stone that provides protection. For comfort and higher guidance, this stone is a great tool to use during pregnancy, as it will help you stay grounded and focused on your goals while connecting with the angelic realm.
This crystal has also been known for its protective nature, emitting calming energy that shields both mother and baby from outside negativity or low vibrations. It’s best used when feeling overwhelmed or exhausted!
- Angelite is a calming stone
- It helps keep your baby safe and calm
- Feel more supported during pregnancy.
- Gain insight into the meaning of life.
The Bloodstone is a stone that helps with pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. First, it is beneficial for a healthy birth. This stone helps expectant mothers with a fear of blood by assisting them in releasing any anger or resentment that might be present. It’s also known for its protective nature, emitting calming energy to shield both mother and baby from outside negativity or low vibrations during pregnancy. This crystal is best used when feeling overwhelmed or exhausted!
- It helps to maintain a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.
- Promotes the production of blood cells in your body.
- You can feel more confident during this time because you’re taking care of yourself.
Moldavite crystal can help prepare mothers for childbirth and release any mental or emotional blockages that might be holding them back from feeling calm for a smoother transition from pregnancy to motherhood. This stone can help one prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically for the birthing process by calming nervousness associated with childbirth while releasing any fears that might be holding one back from giving birth through deep breathing exercises.
Tapping into this crystal’s energy will help you feel at ease during this time of change, allowing them to release any mental or emotional blocks that might hold them from receiving the energies that will come their way.
- Calms nervousness associated with childbirth.
- Releases any fears that might be holding one back from giving birth.
- It lets you feel at ease during this time of change.
- It helps release mental or emotional blocks that might be holding them back from receiving the energies that will come their way.
Can You Use Crystals for Fertility and Pregnancy?
Crystals have been used for centuries for their purported healing properties. In recent years, crystals have surged in popularity, with people using them for everything from improving their mental health to attracting more wealth into their lives. But can crystals also be used to promote fertility and pregnancy?
No scientific evidence supports the claim that crystals can boost fertility or promote pregnancy. However, many believe crystals can help balance emotions and energies, improving reproductive health. For example, some believe fertility crystals can help ease anxiety and stress, two common roadblocks to conception. Others believe that wearing or carrying fertility crystals creates a positive energy field around pregnant women that will attract an unborn child.
Whether or not you believe in the power of crystals, there is no harm in using them as a fertility aid. If nothing else, they may provide you with some emotional comfort during difficult and trying times. And who knows? Maybe the power of positive thinking will help you achieve your goal of becoming a parent.
Best Ways How to use Crystals for Pregnancy?
When it comes to planning for a healthy pregnancy, many women are looking for all the help they can get. And while there’s no one right way to do things, some believe that incorporating crystals into your routine can be beneficial. Here are some of the best ways to use crystals during pregnancy:
First, consider stones that are known for their positive effects on the root chakra. This energy center is associated with feeling grounded and stable, which can be helpful during pregnancy. Try carrying a piece of black tourmaline or red jasper with you or placing one at your bedside.
Next, pay attention to the flow of energy in your body. During pregnancy, it’s essential to keep your energy flowing smoothly to support the growing baby. Citrine and carnelian are excellent stones for this purpose, as they help to release blockages and promote a healthy flow of energy.
Finally, remember that pregnant women are prone to negative emotions like anxiety and stress. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, try carrying a piece of amethyst or rose quartz crystals. These stones are known for their calming and healing energies, and they can help you feel more balanced and centered.
Pregnancy is a great time to start if you’re new to using crystals. Remember to listen to your body and intuition and choose the stones that feel right for you.
What About Using The Best Fertility Crystals for Male Fertility?
No doubt, fertility stones have been used for centuries to help couples conceive. But are they really beneficial? According to some experts, fertility crystals can help to protect and promote new life.
Fertility stones are said to be protective stones that can help to shield a pregnancy from harm. They’re also thought to help promote fertility, help couples conceive, and spiritual well being. Some of the most popular fertility stones include moonstone, amethyst, and rose quartz.
No scientific evidence supports the claims that fertility stones effectively promote male fertility or protect a pregnancy. However, many couples who have used fertility crystals say that they’ve helped them on their journey to parenthood. Fertility crystals may also help boost mental health and provide emotional support during the trying time of infertility. If you’re considering using fertility crystals, talk to your doctor or a fertility specialist to get more information.
Crystal Healing During Pregnancy
These healing crystals can help you reduce labor pains and morning sickness and increase your positive energy. In addition, use these stones for mood swings and emotional stress and to release negative energy associated with pregnancy.
These stones can also help you through labor by keeping your mind clear and focused, increasing strength during the birthing process.
Other stones in the crystal grid that are worth mentioning and can be considered beneficial pregnancy stones are Lapis Lazuli, Green Aventurine, and Green Jade.
Healthy Pregnancy Crystals
These crystals are recommended for safe childbirth and restful sleep during pregnancy. In addition, all pregnant women should use the soothing energy from the crystals to relieve pain and increase self-esteem and self-care.
Female Reproductive system
You can use an excellent stone in order to balance your root chakra and relieve all physical stresses, including the pressure put on reproductive organs, fluid retention, etc.
- It helps to maintain a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.
- Promotes the production of blood cells in your body.
- You can feel more confident during this time because you’re taking care of yourself.
What should you do with these spectacular stones once you’ve obtained them? How can you utilize their energy to have a smooth journey throughout pregnancy or the early years of parenthood? Here’s some advice from an expert :
- Gemstones are an ancient but powerful tool for healing, and wearing them can help you stay in connection to the stone’s therapeutic energy throughout your pregnancy, delivery, and after giving birth.
- Practice pregnancy meditations and exercises using a hypnobirthing app or a pregnancy course.
These Gemstones Have the Ability to Help You With Your Pregnancy and Motherhood!
In conclusion, there are many crystals that you can use throughout your pregnancy journey to nurture yourself on the inside and offer the support needed for this time of change by helping connect one with inner strength while increasing intuition about what will happen next during this process. So you feel at ease! Whether glowing with the beauty of pregnancy or contending with uncomfortable symptoms, you can rely on these gems to help bring about a healthy and happy full-term birth!