21 weeks pregnant:Signs, Tips, Symptoms, Baby’s Development
Published on April 2, 2022 – Last Updated on May 9, 2022
At 21 weeks pregnant, you are well into your second trimester. This is an essential time for your baby’s development, as crucial milestones occur. You may be feeling better now than you did in the early weeks of pregnancy, thanks to the increase in hormones supporting your growing baby. Nevertheless, it would be best if you continued to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. So relax and enjoy this particular time—before you know it, your little one will be here!
It’s hard to believe, but you’re already halfway through your pregnancy! 21 weeks pregnant marks an essential milestone in your journey to becoming a mother. Here’s what you can expect during this stage of pregnancy. “Keep reading to discover 5 things that happen when you’re 21 weeks pregnant.”
What to expect during the 21st week of pregnancy
During the 21st week of Pregnancy, You may expect the growing uterus, fetal movement, and Different Changes in your body. some of these changes are:
- You will start to feel your baby move, called “quickening.”
- You may have more energy.
- You may notice that your hair and nails are growing faster.
- Your breasts may leak a small amount of milk. This is normal and nothing to worry about.
Fetal Movements:
Quickening is the first time you feel your baby move. It can feel like bubbles popping or fluttering in your lower belly. You may feel it as early as 16 weeks or not touch it until 20 weeks or later. If this is your first pregnancy, you’re more likely to feel movement later than if you’ve been pregnant before.
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Energy Levels:
At 21 weeks pregnant, You may have more energy during the second trimester before the third trimester. This is called the “honeymoon period” because you’re not dealing with morning sickness anymore, and you’re not so big that you’re feeling uncomfortable. Use this time to get things done and enjoy yourself!
Hair and Nails:
Your hair and nails may grow faster during the second trimester. This is because your body makes more of the hormones that help them grow.
Breast Milk:
At 21 weeks pregnant, Some women start to leak milk from their breasts during the second trimester. This is normal and nothing to worry about. It’s just your body getting ready for breastfeeding. The milk is usually thin and yellowish. It may come out when you press on your breasts or cough or sneeze. You may also leak milk while you’re sleeping. If this happens, wear a pad to protect your clothes.
This post is part of our pregnancy week by week.
21 Weeks Pregnant Tips
21 weeks pregnant is an exciting time as you await the arrival of your baby. Here are a few tips to help you through your pregnancy:
Get plenty of rest: Pregnancy can be exhausting, so make sure to get plenty of rest. Take naps when you can and go to bed early if you’re feeling tired.
Eat healthily: Eating a nutritious diet is important for both you and your baby. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.
Stay active: moderate exercise is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Taking a brisk walk or going for a swim are great ways to stay active. Avoid high-impact activities and contact sports.
21 Weeks Fetus
Around 21 weeks into a pregnancy, the average fetus is about the size of a large grapefruit. By this point in development, the fetus has started to put on weight and fill out, giving them a more rounded look. Their limbs have also grown longer and smoother, and they can now flex their elbows and knees. They may even start to suck their thumb! Twenty-one weeks is an exciting time for both parents and babies, as they continue to grow and develop at an amazing rate.
Changes your body is going through
In This Journey of Pregnancy, You may feel these changes during the 21st week:
Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting might be subsiding now that you are in your second trimester. You will continue to increase the hormone progesterone, which is why you may feel more relaxed than you did earlier on. There is also a great deal of activity in your baby’s brain and spine. This activity can lead to some pretty intense dreams, which may cause you to wake up often during the night.
Rapid Weight gain
At 21 weeks pregnant, You should have gained about 10 pounds. If you are carrying twins or multiples, you will likely have gained more weight. Leg Cramps also appear during this trimester phase. Make sure to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.
You may find it challenging to get a good night’s sleep due to the increase in hormones and all the activity in your baby’s brain. Try to rest when you can and relax as much as possible.
Pregnancy hormones:
As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll continue to produce the hormones that help your baby grow and develop. But unfortunately, these hormones can also cause some changes in your body.
Stretch marks:
At 21 weeks pregnant, Stretch marks are a normal part of pregnancy. They occur when the skin stretches too much. They usually happen around the belly, breasts, and thighs. Stretch marks are harmless, but they can be itchy. You may be able to prevent them by using a moisturizing cream or lotion on your skin. If you already have stretch marks, they will usually fade after you have your baby.
Baby’s Development: Pregnancy Week 21
Baby’s Length/Size:
The baby measures about 5.5 inches long and about the size of a bell pepper, weighing in at about 8 ounces.
At 21 weeks pregnant, your baby continues to grow and develop rapidly. Their skeleton is starting to form, and the muscles are developing more. The baby’s brain is growing and creating new connections, and the baby’s eyelids can now close completely. The baby is also swallowing amniotic fluid and practicing breathing movements, and the system begins to form (Baby’s Digestive system). In addition, her little liver and spleen have been making blood cells, but now, the bone marrow can create blood cells, too. These milestones are essential for your baby’s development and growth before the baby’s arrival.
Pregnancy Symptoms
Pregnancy symptoms can vary from woman to woman, and not all women will experience the same symptoms. However, there are some common symptoms that many women do experience during pregnancy. These can include fatigue, nausea and vomiting (often called “morning sickness”), breast tenderness, increased urination, and mood swings. These all are Completely Normal Symptoms!
Feeling tired is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. This is likely due to the increase in hormones that your body produces.
Nausea and vomiting:
About 70% of pregnant women experience nausea and/or vomiting during their first trimester. This tends to peak around 8-12 weeks gestation for many women, but it can last longer for some.
Breast tenderness:
It is not uncommon for a woman’s breasts to feel more sensitive or painful during pregnancy. This is due to the increase in hormones and the preparation of your breasts for milk production.
Increased urination:
As your baby grows, it will start to pressure your bladder. This can cause you to feel the need to urinate more frequently.
Mood swings:
Mood swings are common during pregnancy week 21 due to the hormonal changes in your body. As a result, you may feel happy one minute and then cry the next. Please talk to your healthcare provider if you feel particularly down or anxious.
Increased vaginal discharge
Another common symptom of pregnancy is an increase in vaginal discharge. This is caused by the rise in estrogen and can be a regular part of your pregnancy. However, if you notice a sudden change in the amount or smell of discharge, please talk to your healthcare provider.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s good to talk to your doctor about them. They can help you figure out what’s going on and advise you on how to deal with them.
Tips for staying healthy and comfortable during this stage of pregnancy
For Healthy Pregnancy, parents to be more careful of themselves and their growing baby during pregnancy. You can do this by:
- Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
- Getting regular exercise
- Drinking plenty of water
- Avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs
- Getting enough rest
Eat Healthy Diet:
During your pregnancy, week 21, it is essential to eat a healthy diet. This means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It would be best if you also tried to limit the number of unhealthy foods you eat. Junk food can make you feel sick, but it can also harm your baby.
Get Regular Exercise:
Regular exercise is a great way to stay healthy during your pregnancy. It can help you feel better and can also help prepare your body for labor. It would help if you tried to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day.
Drink Plenty of Water:
It will help if you drink plenty of water during your pregnancy. This will help keep you hydrated and help reduce the chances of getting constipated.
Avoid Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Other Drugs:
It is essential to avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs during your pregnancy. These substances can be harmful to both you and your baby.
Get Enough Rest:
Pregnant women need plenty of rest. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. If you are having trouble sleeping, ask your doctor for advice.
Tips For Partners:
It would be best if you Had taken care of your wife during this Pregnancy Period.
- Be supportive and understanding. She is going through a lot of changes right now.
- Help her with errands and housework.
- Encourage her to eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise.
- Make sure she is getting enough rest.
- Offer to go to doctor’s appointments with her.
- Be there for her when she needs you.
- Visit Parks with her
Your partner is going through a lot of changes right now. Be supportive and understanding. Help her with errands and housework. Encourage her to eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise. Make sure she is getting enough rest. Offer to go to doctor’s appointments with her. Be there for her when she needs you. Visit Parks with her:
Going for walks in parks is a great way to exercise and enjoy the outdoors. It’s also a good opportunity for you to spend time with your partner.
Are you 6 months pregnant at 21 weeks?
No, you are not 6 months pregnant at 21 weeks. You are about 5 months pregnant. The average pregnancy is 40 weeks long.
Are 21 weeks considered 5 months pregnant?
Yes, 21 weeks is considered 5 months pregnant. The average pregnancy is 40 weeks long, so you are about 1/5 of the way through your pregnancy.
How often should I feel kicks at 21 weeks?
You should feel your baby kick at least 10 times every day. If you are not feeling these movements, please talk to your healthcare provider.
How many months old are 21 weeks?
21 weeks is about 5 months old. The average pregnancy is 40 weeks long, so you are about 1/5 of the way through your pregnancy.
Other Pregnancy Weeks:
- 1 Week Pregnant
- 2 Weeks Pregnant
- 3 Weeks Pregnant
- 4 Weeks Pregnant
- 5 Weeks Pregnant
- 6 Weeks Pregnant
- 7 Weeks Pregnant
- 8 Weeks Pregnant
- 9 Weeks Pregnant
- 10 Weeks Pregnant
- 11 Weeks Pregnant
- 12 Weeks Pregnant
- 13 Weeks Pregnant
- 14 Weeks Pregnant
- 15 Weeks Pregnant
- 16 Weeks Pregnant
- 17 Weeks Pregnant
- 18 Weeks Pregnant
- 19 Weeks Pregnant
- 20 Weeks Pregnant
- 22 Weeks Pregnant
- 23 Weeks Pregnant
- 24 Weeks Pregnant
- 25 Weeks Pregnant
- 26 Weeks Pregnant
- 27 Weeks Pregnant
- 28 Weeks Pregnant
- 29 Weeks Pregnant
- 30 Weeks Pregnant
- 31 Weeks Pregnant
- 32 Weeks Pregnant
- 33 Weeks Pregnant
- 34 Weeks Pregnant
- 35 Weeks Pregnant
- 36 Weeks Pregnant
- 37 Weeks Pregnant
- 38 Weeks Pregnant
- 39 Weeks Pregnant
- 40 Weeks Pregnant
- Birth Plan
- Baby Due Date Calculator
- EDD Calculation
- how many weeks pregnant I am