22 Weeks Pregnant:Signs, Tips, Symptoms, Baby’s Development
Published on April 11, 2022 – Last Updated on October 18, 2022
If you’re 22 weeks pregnant, your baby’s bones are fully formed, and the muscles are starting to work. They are now about 9 inches long (from crown to rump) and weighs 1 1/2 pounds. You may be feeling movements that you hadn’t felt before. Fetal development at week 22 continues with the addition of lanugo, a fine coat of hair that helps keep the baby warm. This week is also a critical time for brain development, so continue taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthy foods.
Keep reading for more information on fetal development, common symptoms and changes you may be experiencing, and tips on preparing for labor. In addition, we hope that this blog post will help answer any questions you have as you approach your final weeks of pregnancy.
What to expect during the 22nd week of pregnancy
At 22 weeks pregnant, You have to expect the fetal development milestone during this week. Your baby’s bones are fully formed, and the muscles are starting to work now. They are about the size 9 inches long (from crown to rump) and weigh 1 1/2 pounds.
You may be feeling movements that you hadn’t felt before. The fine coat of hair called lanugo helps keep the baby warm. This week is also a critical time for brain development, so continue taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthy foods.
If you haven’t felt your baby move yet, don’t worry. Some women feel their baby’s first movements — called “quickening” — as early as 13 weeks. However, it may take a little longer for first-time moms to feel the baby’s movements.
For more information about your current stage see our: how far along am I by due date and pregnancy stages by week.
Symptoms you may experience during this period.
During the 20th week of pregnancy, You experience Different Symptoms in your body.
Here are some common symptoms you may experience during this period:
- Unusual fatigue
- Trouble sleeping
- Shortness of breath
- Heartburn
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Leg Cramps (Stretch Marks)
- Vaginal Discharge
- Braxton Hicks contractions
Unusual fatigue:
You may feel more tired than usual during pregnancy. This is normal and is caused by your body’s extra work to support your growing baby.
Trouble sleeping:
It can be hard to get comfortable at night when you’re pregnant. In addition, some women find that they have to urinate more frequently, making it difficult to fall asleep.
Shortness of breath:
As your baby grows, your uterus (womb) expands and puts pressure on your lungs. This can make it feel like you can’t take a deep breath.
Hormones released during pregnancy can relax the valve between your stomach and esophagus, making it easier for stomach acid to splash up into your throat. This can cause heartburn.
Constipation or diarrhea:
Pregnancy hormones can slow down your digestive system, leading to constipation. Some women also experience diarrhea during pregnancy.
Leg Cramps:
As your pregnancy progresses, you may start to experience leg cramps. These (Stretch Marks) are caused by the extra weight you are carrying and the change in your posture.
Vaginal Discharge:
During pregnancy, you may have increased vaginal discharge than usual. The increased blood flow usually causes this to your pelvic area.
Braxton Hicks contractions:
You may feel irregular contractions as you get closer to your due date. These are called Braxton Hicks contractions and are usually harmless. However, if you experience regular or painful contractions, don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare provider. Read more about contractions: contraction timers, how to keep track of contractions, contraction counter.
Tips for dealing with these symptoms:
- To help manage your fatigue, try to get as much rest as possible, take a nap during the day, and go to bed early at night.
- To help with heartburn, try eating smaller meals more often and avoid spicy or fatty foods.
- To help with constipation, try to eat a high-fiber diet and drink plenty of fluids. You may also want to take a mild laxative if your constipation is severe.
- To help with leg cramps, try exercises that stretch your legs, such as walking or swimming. You may also want to massage your legs or take a warm bath.
- If you have trouble sleeping, try to establish a regular sleep schedule and avoid caffeine in the evening.
22 Weeks Fetus
A 22 weeks fetus is a developing baby that is almost halfway through the pregnancy. At this stage, the baby is starting to look more like a miniature version of a newborn, with recognizable features and limbs. The 22 weeks fetus is also becoming increasingly active and may be able to hear loud noises from outside the womb.
However, the 22 weeks fetus is still very vulnerable and faces several health risks at this stage in development. These include premature birth, low birth weight, and developmental disabilities. For these reasons, pregnant women must receive proper medical care during the 22nd week of pregnancy. With the proper support and treatment, the 22 weeks fetus can continue to develop into a healthy baby.
Changes in your body during the 22 Week Pregnant:
During the 21st week of Pregnancy, You may expect the following changes in your body.
The 22nd week of pregnancy is critical for brain development, so it’s important to continue taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthy foods. You may also be feeling movements that you hadn’t felt before.
Fetal development at week 22 continues with the addition of lanugo, a fine coat of hair that helps keep the baby warm. Also, there are some Amniotic sacs present in your fetal membranes; if this protein is found in the vaginal secretions of a woman who is more than 22 weeks pregnant but less than 38 weeks, then there is an increased risk of preterm labor.
Weight gain:
Many women gain around 10kg during their pregnancy.
If you were overweight or obese before falling pregnant, you should only put on between 5-9kgs during your pregnancy. Conversely, if you were underweight before falling pregnant, you may need more weight.
Hormonal Changes:
During the 22nd week of pregnancy, the levels of estrogen and progesterone (pregnancy hormone) in your body will increase. This may cause some typical early pregnancy symptoms, such as breast tenderness and nausea, to continue.
Pregnant Belly:
Your uterus will also continue to grow and expands upwards into your abdomen. This may cause some lightening of the pressure on your bladder, giving you some relief from the constant urge to urinate. However, it may also cause you to belch and fart more as your stomach makes more room for your baby.
During the 22nd week of pregnancy, you may need to sleep more than usual. This is because your body is working hard to support your growing baby. Try to get as much rest as possible and ask your partner or family members for help with chores and errands.
Baby Bump and Pain:
As your baby bump grows, you may experience pain in your lower back and pelvic area (Pelvic Pain). This is caused by the added weight of your baby and the change in your posture. You can help relieve the pain by using a support belt or sleeping on your side. Sometimes you may feel abdominal pain; the stretching of your abdominal muscles causes this. You can relieve the pain by taking a hot bath or using a heating pad on your stomach.
Your baby’s development during the 22nd week Pregnant:
Some Key features of Your baby’s development are as follows:
- Umbilical cord
- blood vessels
- belly button
- baby’s eyelids
- baby’s brain
Umbilical cord:
The umbilical cord is a flexible tube that connects the baby to the placenta. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the baby and removes waste products from the baby’s blood.
Blood vessels:
At 22 weeks pregnant, your baby’s blood vessels are fully developed. The veins and arteries now carry oxygen-rich blood to and from the baby’s organs.
Belly button:
The belly button starts to form during the 22nd week of pregnancy. The navel (belly button) is a small, raised area on the stomach that marks the spot where the umbilical cord was attached.
Baby’s eyelids:
The eyelids are now covering the eyes and will stay closed until about 28 weeks of pregnancy. When they open, the eyes will be blue. They may change color after birth, depending on the color of the iris (the colored part of the eye).
Baby’s brain:
The brain continues to grow and develop during the 22nd week of pregnancy. This week is a critical time for brain development, so it’s important to continue taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthy foods.
So, these are some of the changes and developments in a baby during the 22nd week of pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, you will learn even more about your little one!
Prenatal Visit:
At 22 weeks pregnant, you will have an ultrasound scan to check your baby’s development. This is a routine prenatal visit that all pregnant women have. The ultrasound will show the baby’s position, size, and abnormalities.
You will also be given a chance to listen to your baby’s heartbeat. This is a critical moment for any mother-to-be, as it’s the first time you will be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat. It’s a beautiful and reassuring sound that will stay with you for the rest of your pregnancy.
Your doctor may also check for signs of any pregnancy complications. Miscarriage is a common complication of early pregnancy, so your doctor will be looking for any signs that suggest you may be at risk. Other complications can include gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and preeclampsia.
Tips for Healthy Pregnancy
If you’re 22 weeks pregnant, your baby’s bones are fully formed, and the muscles are starting to work. So, for a healthy pregnancy, you may have to keep some tips in mind:
Eat healthy and nutritious food:
You need to include a lot of proteins, vitamins, and minerals in your diet. Also, make sure you’re getting enough folic acid.
Exercise regularly:
Exercise will help you stay fit and healthy during pregnancy. It will also prepare your body for labor and delivery.
Stay hydrated:
Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, during pregnancy.
Get enough rest and sleep:
Most pregnant women need at least eight hours of sleep every night.
Drink plenty of Fluids:
Drinking fluids helps keep you hydrated and prevents dehydration. It’s also essential for the baby’s development.
Keep stress levels low:
Stress can cause a lot of problems during pregnancy. Try to relax and take it easy.
Stay active and keep moving:
Keeping active during pregnancy can help improve your circulation and prevent constipation. It can also help you sleep better.
You should also avoid exposing yourself to harmful substances and follow your doctor’s advice on prenatal care. Then, with a bit of effort, you can have a healthy and happy pregnancy!
These tips will help in the healthy development of your baby and a smooth pregnancy journey. For more information on prenatal care, please consult with your doctor.FAQs
Are 22 weeks considered 6 months pregnant?
22 weeks pregnant is considered to be 6 months pregnant. This is because the average pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks or 10 months. So, 22 weeks.
Is it 22 weeks, second or third trimester?
22 weeks pregnant is considered to be the second trimester. The first trimester lasts for 12 weeks, and the second trimester lasts for 14 weeks. So, 22 weeks is considered to be the middle of the pregnancy.
Can I feel my baby’s movement at 22 weeks?
At 22 weeks pregnant, you may feel your baby’s movements. These movements are called fetal kicks. You will feel them as a fluttering or tapping sensation in your stomach.
Other Pregnancy Weeks:
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- 2 Weeks Pregnant
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- 6 Weeks Pregnant
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- 9 Weeks Pregnant
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- 12 Weeks Pregnant
- 13 Weeks Pregnant
- 14 Weeks Pregnant
- 15 Weeks Pregnant
- 16 Weeks Pregnant
- 17 Weeks Pregnant
- 18 Weeks Pregnant
- 19 Weeks Pregnant
- 20 Weeks Pregnant
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- how many weeks pregnant I am