25 Weeks Pregnant

25 Weeks Pregnant: Signs, Tips, Symptoms, Baby’s Development

Published on April 11, 2022 – Last Updated on April 22, 2022

As your baby grows, you may notice some changes in your body. For example, around 25 weeks pregnant, you may feel more movement and kicks from your baby. You may also start to show more and feel more tired. While these are all usual pregnancy symptoms, be sure to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. They can help ensure that you and your baby remain healthy throughout the remainder of your pregnancy.

In This Blog Post, we Discuss 25 weeks pregnant symptoms, such as more Changes and expectations from your baby and your body. We also discuss what you can do to ensure that you and your baby remain healthy throughout the remainder of your pregnancy. So let’s get started:

What to expect during the pregnancy week 25

Your baby is growing rapidly at this stage of pregnancy, and so are you! You may feel more movement and kicks from your baby around 25 weeks pregnant. As your baby grows, they will have less space to move around, so their actions will become more gentle. You may also begin to show more as your uterus expands. At 25 weeks pregnant, you may start to feel more tired due to the extra weight. This is all normal and nothing to worry about.

Make sure to also check out due date by conception and pregnancy trimesters by week.

Changes your body is going through

Around 25 weeks pregnant, You may also start to show more and feel more tired. At the same time, these are all usual changes in pregnancy.

Belly Size Increase: 

At 25 weeks pregnant, your uterus expands, and the skin on your stomach stretches. This may cause you to itch and make it more difficult to find comfortable clothing.

Weight Gain:

At 25 weeks pregnant, you will likely start to put on weight at this stage of your pregnancy. Most women gain between 1 and 4 pounds per month during the last trimester.

Shortness of Breath:

As your baby grows, they may start to press on your lungs, making it difficult to breathe. You may also notice that you are short of breath when active.

25 weeks pregnant tips


During the third trimester, your body may retain more fluid, which can cause swelling in your hands, feet, and ankles.

Weight Gain:

You will likely start to put on weight at this stage of your pregnancy. Most women gain between 1 and 4 pounds per month during the last trimester.

Uterus Size:

By this point in your pregnancy, your uterus will be about the size of a cantaloupe.

Leg Cramps:

At 25 weeks pregnant, you may start to experience leg cramps at night due to the extra weight you are carrying.

Back Pain:

The extra weight you are carrying can also cause back pain.

Pregnancy Hormones:

The pregnancy hormones relaxin and progesterone can cause your joints to loosen and make you more likely to experience pain.

About Trimester:

You are almost about the end of the second trimester. However, just a few weeks remain behind. The third trimester is the final stage of pregnancy. It lasts from week 28 to week 40, or until your baby is born.

You may notice hair fall (Not all the hair), itchy skin, or other health concerns, But These are not very common in every woman!

25 Weeks Fetus

At 25 weeks, your baby is the size of a large cabbage. She can now breathe air, though her lungs are not fully developed. You may be able to feel her move around inside your belly, and she may even be strong enough to kick you! Your baby’s immune system is also developing, and she’s now able to produce antibodies.

This 25-week-old fetus is also developing a sense of taste and may be able to differentiate between sweet and sour flavors. By the end of this week, she’ll weigh about 2 pounds and measure around 14 inches long. So if you’re 25 weeks pregnant, congratulations – you’re well on your way to meeting your little one!

Baby’s development during the 25th-week

You are now a sixth-months pregnant woman. The baby grows rapidly and has a good chance of surviving if born prematurely. All of the baby’s organs are developed, but they will continue to grow and mature until the end of the pregnancy.

Baby’s Weight & Size:

The baby now weighs about 2 pounds and is about 14 inches long.

Baby’s Brain:

The baby’s brain is growing rapidly, and by the end of this week, the baby’s brain will be about two-thirds of the size it will be at birth.

Baby’s Lungs:

The baby’s lungs are continuing to develop and grow this week.

Baby’s Digestive System:

The baby’s digestive system is now functional.

Baby’s Circulatory System:

The baby’s circulatory system is now fully developed.

Baby’s Nervous System:

The baby’s nervous system is continuing to develop and grow this week.

Baby’s Body:

The baby’s skeleton is continuing to harden and develop this week.

Baby’s Skin:

The baby’s skin is now covered with a waxy substance (baby fat) called vernix caseosa, which helps protect the baby’s skin from the amniotic fluid.

Baby’s Nose:

The baby’s nose is now developed and functional.

Baby’s Eyes:

The baby’s eyes are now developed and functional.

Baby’s Movements:

You may start to feel more movement and kicks from your baby this week. This is due to the baby’s increasing size and strength.

Pregnancy Symptoms at 25 Weeks

Around 25 weeks pregnant, you may begin to feel more movement and kicks from your baby. You may also start to show more and feel more tired. We have listed the Most Common Symptoms During this Week as follows:

Increased urination:

You may run to the bathroom more often as your baby grows and puts pressure on your bladder.

Heartburn and indigestion:

As your pregnancy progresses, you may experience heartburn and indigestion more frequently. This is due to the hormones of pregnancy and the pressure that your growing baby puts on your stomach.

Stretch marks:

As your skin stretches to accommodate your growing baby, you may notice stretch marks. These are normal and will usually fade after delivery.


You may find yourself feeling more tired as your pregnancy progresses. This is due to the added physical and emotional demands of carrying a baby. Be sure to get plenty of rest and eat healthy foods.

Back pain:

As your baby grows, they may start to pressure your back. This can cause discomfort and back pain. Talk to your doctor about ways to relieve this pain.


Some women experience nausea throughout their entire pregnancy, while others only have it in the early stages. If you are experiencing nausea, talk to your doctor about ways to manage it.

Leaking breasts:

As your breasts prepare for nursing, you may experience leaking breasts. This is normal and will usually stop after you have given birth.

Changes in skin color:

You may notice that the skin on your face, neck, and chest has a more yellowish or orange tone. This is due to the increased production of the hormone melanin.

Heightened senses:

Your senses may be more acute during pregnancy as your body prepares for childbirth. So this can be a fun time to experiment with new foods and flavors.

There are many other common pregnancy symptoms, but these are some of the most prevalent.

Tips for Staying Healthy

As your baby grows, you may notice some changes in your body. Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy during pregnancy:

  1. Get regular exercise.

Exercise can help you stay fit and reduce your risk of complications during pregnancy.

  1. Eat a healthy diet.

Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids.

Staying hydrated is vital for both you and your baby.

  1. Take prenatal vitamins.

Prenatal vitamins help ensure that you and your baby are getting the nutrients they need.

  1. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs.

These substances can be harmful to both you and your baby.

  1. Get plenty of rest.

Pregnancy can be tiring, so make sure to get plenty of sleep each night.

Tips for Partners at 25 weeks of pregnancy:

As your partner begins to feel more movement and kicks from the baby, it is natural to feel excited and want to be involved. Here are a few ways you can help support your partner during this time:

Make sure they are getting enough rest:

Pregnancy can be exhausting, so make sure your partner gets plenty of rest. This may mean taking on some additional household duties or helping out with childcare for older children.

Encourage them to eat healthily:

A healthy diet is vital for both mother and baby. Help your partner by preparing healthy meals, fiber-rich foods, and snacks and bringing them along when you eat.

Be there for emotional support:

Pregnancy can be a roller coaster of emotions. So be there to listen and offer support, whether your partner feels happy, anxious, or anything in between.

Take him to the Parks:

The physical activity will be good for him, and it will give him some time to relax while he enjoys himself.

Doctor’s Visit

As your pregnancy progresses, you will likely have several doctor’s appointments. Here are a few things to expect on your next visit:

1. Your weight and blood pressure will be checked.

2. Your urine will be tested for protein and sugar.

3. You will be asked about your symptoms and how you are feeling.

At that time, he may ask you about Different tests like the Glucose Challenge Screening test or Gestational Diabetes test!


Is 25 weeks pregnant in the 3rd trimester?

Yes, 25 weeks is considered the beginning of the third trimester. But it is not officially considered the third trimester.

How big should my pregnant belly be at 25 weeks pregnant?

There is no one answer to this question as every woman’s pregnancy differs. However, you may start to show more at this stage and feel more tired. If you are concerned about your belly size, talk to your doctor.

Are 25 weeks considered 6 months pregnant?

No, 25 weeks is considered 5 months and 2 weeks pregnant. Still, 4 months remain before the baby’s arrival.

Other Pregnancy Weeks:

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