34 Weeks Pregnant: The Ultimate Guide
Published on April 12, 2022 – Last Updated on October 23, 2022
34 weeks pregnant! Are you reaching the end of your pregnancy journey? This is an exciting time, but it can also be a little daunting. You’re getting close to meeting your little one and experiencing all the new adventures that come with being a parent. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know in these last few weeks of pregnancy. We’ve got you covered, from preparing for labor to understanding your babies’ born needs!
Things to Consider During 34 Weeks of Pregnancy:
During 34 weeks of pregnancy, it is essential to consider the following things:
- Your baby’s development
- Your own physical and emotional health
- Preparing for childbirth and motherhood
- Financial preparation for a new baby
All of these topics are important to think about during 34 weeks of pregnancy, but each woman will have different priorities. For example, some women may be more concerned about their baby’s development, while others may be more focused on preparing for childbirth. Therefore, it is important to discuss all of these topics with your healthcare provider to ensure that you are as prepared as possible for the weeks ahead.
Do you want to find out more about this stage of pregnancy? Check out our: due date predictor and trimester weeks posts.
Mom’s Body at 34 Weeks Pregnant
Moms at 34 weeks pregnant carry around a lot of extra weight, and they may feel it in their back, legs, and feet. By now, they might be exhausted and have trouble sleeping through the night. Swelling of the ankles, hands, and face is also familiar at this stage in pregnancy.
As the baby grows and puts more pressure on the mother’s organs, she may find it difficult to breathe and may suffer from heartburn. In addition, 34 weeks pregnant is also when Braxton Hicks contractions, abdominal pressure, or all that extra weight may start. You also notice of increase in the size of the belly. Read more about contractions: contraction timer, pregnancy contractions timer & how to time contractions.
The baby is continuing to grow and gain weight. 34 weeks pregnant is when the baby’s organs are mature, and he or she is considered full-term. The average 34-week fetus weighs about five pounds and is 18 inches long.
Third Trimester: 34 Weeks Pregnant
It’s hard to believe that you are in the home stretch! 34 weeks pregnant marks the third and final trimester of your pregnancy. This is an exciting and also anxious time as you prepare for the arrival of your little one.
34 weeks pregnant: Your baby’s development
Your baby is now around 34 weeks old and continues to grow and develop rapidly. Here are some of the things your baby may be doing this week:
Baby’s Size:
At 34 weeks, your baby is approximately the size of a cantaloupe melon.
Baby Weight:
They weigh in at around five pounds and are 18 to 20 inches long.
Baby Length:
Your baby measures about 18 to 20 inches long from head to toe.
Baby’s Body:
By 34 weeks, your baby’s bones are almost fully developed.
Baby’s Skin:
Their skin is also getting thicker and less transparent.
Baby’s Bones:
Most of your baby’s bones are now formed, but they’re still soft and pliable.
Baby Movement:
The amount of amniotic fluid is decreasing now, and your baby has less space to move around. As a result, you may feel fewer but stronger kicks and jabs.
Baby’s Fat Formation:
This week, your baby’s fat cells begin to form. This is a critical step in your baby’s development, as her fat stores will aid in the body temperature regulation following delivery.
Pregnancy symptoms during the week 34th
You may notice different pregnancy symptoms during this time because every pregnancy is different, and pregnant women suffer from various symptoms. However, we have covered the significant common symptoms of this week, like pelvic pain, tiredness, etc. These all are in very detail as follows:
- Braxton Hicks contractions.
- Tiredness and sleeping problems.
- Stretch marks.
- Heartburn
- Swollen and bleeding gums.
- Pains on the side of your baby bump.
- Piles.
- Headaches.
- Backache.
Braxton Hicks contractions
These irregular contractions of the uterus can occur throughout pregnancy. But they’re most common in the third trimester. Many pregnant women have them for the first time in late pregnancy.
They may feel like a tightening or hardening of your uterus. You might feel them low down, across your abdomen, or even on your back and sides.
They’re usually painless but can sometimes be uncomfortable, especially if they’re solid or last for a long time.
Tiredness and sleeping problems
It’s normal to feel exhausted at 34 weeks pregnant. Your body is working hard to support your baby’s growth and development and preparing for labor.
To help you cope with tiredness:
- Rest when you can
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Exercise gently
- Cut down on caffeine
Stretch marks
At 34 weeks pregnant, your skin is stretched to its limits. This can cause stretch marks, which are pink or purple lines that appear on your belly, breasts, hips, or buttocks. Stretch marks are completely normal and will fade over time.
Heartburn is a common symptom during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. It occurs when stomach acid flows back up into your esophagus (the tube that connects your throat to your stomach). Heartburn can cause a burning sensation in your chest or throat.
Swollen and bleeding gums
During pregnancy, your gums may swell and bleed more easily. This is because of the increased blood flow to your gums and the hormonal changes in your body.
Pains on the side of your baby bump
At 34 weeks pregnant, you may feel sharp pains on the sides of your baby bump. These are called round ligament pains and are caused by the ligaments that support your uterus stretching as it grows. Round ligament pain is normal and should go away on its own.
Piles are swollen veins in your anus and rectum. They’re common during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, due to the increased blood flow in your pelvic area. Piles can cause bleeding, itching, and pain.
Headaches are a common symptom of pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. They’re caused by the increased blood flow in your body and the changes in your pregnancy hormones.
Backache is a common symptom during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. It’s caused by the extra weight you’re carrying and the changes in your posture.
You can use some of the symptoms by practicing affirmations: pregnancy affirmations, birth affirmations, or hypnobirthing affirmations.
34 Weeks Fetus
Thirty-four weeks is considered full-term for a pregnancy. The baby is now the size of a cantaloupe and continues to grow and develop rapidly. The bones are hardening, and the skin is starting to thicken. The baby’s head is growing more considerably, and the brains continue to develop. Thirty-four weeks is an essential time for the baby’s development, and the mother’s body is working hard to support the growing fetus.
The mother’s belly is also growing more significant. She may feel uncomfortable as the baby starts to put pressure on her internal organs. 34 weeks is an exciting time for both mother and child. We encourage you to take advantage of all the resources available to you to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Tips for you at 34 weeks pregnant
During this challenging period, moms have to take care of themself that help to care for their baby’s health! We have listed some of the top practices which help you to keep healthy during this week of pregnancy:
- Start tracking your baby’s movements. You should feel at least ten movements in two hours from now on.
- Drink plenty of fluids and eat small, frequent meals to avoid indigestion and heartburn.
- If you’re having Braxton Hicks contractions, try to relax. Drink plenty of fluids, empty your bladder often, and change positions slowly.
- If you’re experiencing any vaginal discharge that is new or different, call your doctor or midwife right away.
- Start thinking about what you’ll need for when you go into labor. This includes packing a hospital bag and making sure someone can take care of your other children if you have them.
- Make sure you know the signs of preterm labor so you can call your doctor or midwife right away if they occur. These include regular contractions (more than four per hour), increased vaginal discharge, pelvic pressure, lower back pain, and abdominal cramps.
- If you have any unusual symptoms, don’t hesitate to call your doctor or midwife. Better to be safe than sorry!
Tips for Partners during the 34th week of pregnancy
Now a time your partner needs your help moving, and your role at that time is too much consideration, so take care of your partner and ignore his mood swings with a good reply. So we have listed some of the best options to do during this interval of life:
- Be supportive and understanding – your partner is going through a lot right now!
- Please encourage them to eat small, frequent meals and drink plenty of fluids.
- Help them with anything they need around the house, whether it’s cleaning, cooking, or taking care of other children.
- Make sure they’re getting enough rest. This may mean taking on more household responsibilities, so they can rest when they need to.
- Be there for them emotionally. This is a tough time for them, both physically and mentally. Talk with him about the baby gear or the passed good moments!
Doctor’s Visit:
During this week, you may have a prenatal appointment, and your doctor may ask you for an ultrasound and discuss the temporary pregnancy symptom, vaginal bleeding, and the birth canal. So be honest to answer him everything and ask whatever you want to.
UltraSound at Pregnancy Week 34:
If your 34-week ultrasound is done vaginally, you’ll likely be able to see your baby’s face. However, if it’s done abdominally, you may better view your baby’s position and the placenta of an upcoming newborn baby.
Is the baby fully developed at 34 weeks?
By 34 weeks, All of their organs are fully developed, but they may still need some extra time to grow and mature.
What should I be doing at 34 weeks pregnant?
You have to care about yourself in this amazing time, so read the tips for 34 weeks and Implement them in your daily life!
What are some signs that labor is nearing?
You may experience regular contractions (more than four per hour), increased vaginal discharge, pelvic pressure, lower back pain, and abdominal cramps. These may be signs that the baby’s arrival is near. Call your doctor or midwife right away if you experience any of these symptoms. Better to be safe!
Other Pregnancy Weeks:
- 1 Week Pregnant
- 2 Weeks Pregnant
- 3 Weeks Pregnant
- 4 Weeks Pregnant
- 5 Weeks Pregnant
- 6 Weeks Pregnant
- 7 Weeks Pregnant
- 8 Weeks Pregnant
- 9 Weeks Pregnant
- 10 Weeks Pregnant
- 11 Weeks Pregnant
- 12 Weeks Pregnant
- 13 Weeks Pregnant
- 14 Weeks Pregnant
- 15 Weeks Pregnant
- 16 Weeks Pregnant
- 17 Weeks Pregnant
- 18 Weeks Pregnant
- 19 Weeks Pregnant
- 20 Weeks Pregnant
- 21 Weeks Pregnant
- 22 Weeks Pregnant
- 23 Weeks Pregnant
- 24 Weeks Pregnant
- 25 Weeks Pregnant
- 26 Weeks Pregnant
- 27 Weeks Pregnant
- 28 Weeks Pregnant
- 29 Weeks Pregnant
- 30 Weeks Pregnant
- 31 Weeks Pregnant
- 32 Weeks Pregnant
- 33 Weeks Pregnant
- 35 Weeks Pregnant
- 36 Weeks Pregnant
- 37 Weeks Pregnant
- 38 Weeks Pregnant
- 39 Weeks Pregnant
- 40 Weeks Pregnant
- Birth Plan
- Baby Due Date Calculator
- EDD Calculation
- how many weeks pregnant I am